Women with familial hypercholesterolaemia are currently advised to discontinue breastfeeding prior to beginning statin therapy after pregnancy. We believe this practice should be reconsidered...
Munchausen syndrome does not fall into the category of an ordinary somatic, psychological or psychosomatic illness, and its identification, diagnosis and treatment present an unusually great...
What does it mean to be an accomplished professional? The answer is not self-evident. What we define as our profession and what qualities we think an accomplished doctor should have reveal a great...
The question of whether a new PCI centre should be established in Nordland county illustrates how decision-making in health policy has moved from elected assemblies into the boardrooms. The...
Only drugs that are shown to be better than placebo in randomised, controlled trials are approved by the medicines agencies. The pharmaceutical companies appear to let profit determine which drugs to...
In 2015, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) conducted a detailed review of all the available scientific evidence and concluded that it does not support a causal link between the HPV vaccines and the...
The HPV vaccine protects against the most common types of cancer-causing HPV. Vaccination of all Norwegian girls has been offered free of charge from 1 November 2016. However, there are several...
Standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is ineffective for treating traumatic cardiac arrest. The mortality of patients whose vital signs fail at the scene of injury and are brought to hospital...
Critically ill persons occasionally describe intense near-death experiences (NDEs). A measurement instrument to identify such experiences is available, and has now been translated into Norwegian. We...
Including a method of organising hospital shift work that is more than 20 years old in a collective agreement should not be the first priority for solving any of the problems that the specialist...
Statins and breastfeeding in familial hypercholesterolaemia