RE: Er det trygt å føde hjemme?
Det er visst flere sider av denne studien som ikke kommer fram i artikkelen, jf. intervju med studieleder med denne canadiske nettsiden (1):
“According to the Canadian study, when out-of-hospital births are integrated into the healthcare system and there are regulations in place for how to select women for out-of-hospital births, I think it can be a safe option," said Jonathan Snowden of the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. “In our Oregon study we found that, absent a lot of these systems, there were small but slightly increased risks of neonatal mortality in the out-of-hospital setting." The lead author of the Canadian study, Dr. Eileen K. Hutton from McMaster University, says there is a major factor in Canada’s better record: the presence of midwives. “When studies are well designed and carried out, the data consistently find that when women with midwives in a system of well integrated home and hospital birth care give birth at home, outcomes are similar."
1. Studies suggest Canada much safer for home births than the U.S. Cantech letter. http://www.cantechletter.com/2015/12/studies-suggest-canada-much-safer-for-home-births-than-the-u-s/ (12.04.16)
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