Vi takker for interessen for vår kasuistikk og tilbakemeldingen fra Torger Stølsmark.
Som angitt i linken Stølsmark viser til er denne studien ikke publisert i endelig format ennå, (utdrag); «This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. […] The original pre-print version of this manuscript was first posted online on March 18th, 2020. In that version, the authors reported data collected between January 18th and March 5th, 2020. Some patients in the cohort were still hospitalized at the time of the original submission. Since that time, the authors have collected additional data reflecting the final disposition of their cohort, and the current pre-print reflects those updated results. The top-line result that digestive symptoms occur in roughly half of COVID-19 patients presenting to hospital remains unchanged.”
Det er beklagelig at beskrivelsen av symptomene er endret etter vår publisering. Følgende var angitt i en tidligere versjon vi leste (utdrag):
“We found that 99 patients (48.5%) presented to the hospital with digestive symptoms as their chief complaint. “
“In Table 2, we found that patients with digestive symptoms had a variety of digestive manifestations including anorexia (83 [83.8%] cases), diarrhea (29 [29.3%] cases), vomiting (8 [0.8%] cases), and abdominal pain (4 [0.4%] cases).“
“Of these 99 patients, 92 developed respiratory symptoms along with digestive symptoms, and 7 presented with only digestive symptoms in the absence of respiratory symptoms.”
Vi mener derfor at studien var referert riktig, basert på denne tidligere versjonen. Vi takker imidlertid for å ha blitt gjort oppmerksom på at det nå foreligger en revidert versjon av denne studien.
Hilde Sellevoll på vegne av forfatterne