Old Drupal 7 Site

Case reports
Choice of treatment can be challenging in the casualty clinic. Early in the disease course in particular, clinical signs can be sparse and diagnostic tools limited. Sometimes the road to ruin is...
A young woman developed slowly increasing atrophy and weakness of the small hand muscles, beginning in her late teens. All other musculature was unaffected. A thorough work-up and literature search...
A woman in her nineties was admitted to hospital with acute abdominal pain and clinical signs of diffuse peritonitis. She had a number of other illnesses for which she was taking medication. The...
A young man with multiple basal cell carcinomas was referred to Oslo University Hospital on suspicion of a rare syndrome. Rare disorders can be difficult to diagnose correctly, as illustrated in this...
A fit and self-sufficient woman in her 80s was referred from the emergency department to the specialist outpatient falls clinic (Fallpoliklinikken) in the Department of Geriatric Medicine. She had...
A woman in her 60s was referred to a urologist because of recurrent urinary tract infections and haematuria. Assessment revealed an unusual cause of the patient’s complaint. A woman in her 60s with...
A man in his 70s with complicated diabetes, cardiac disease and long-term antibiotic treatment owing to a toe infection was admitted to hospital with a severe acid-base imbalance. He developed a life...
A man in his 50s without a previous history of heart disease was hospitalised with acute myocardial infarction. The course was complicated and required sophisticated treatment. The patient was...
The assessment of rare congenital neuromuscular disorders can be difficult. Although muscle biopsy and neurophysiological investigations provide important information, it may be genetic tests that...
A man in his 60s was admitted with acute chest and neck pain and extensive neurological impairment. He had pronounced pareses in all limbs and non-functioning reflexes bilaterally, but no cranial...