Old Drupal 7 Site

Ketil Berg Olsen

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Artikler av Ketil Berg Olsen

Karl-Friedrich Amthor, Tom Pedersen, Ketil Berg Olsen
A young woman developed slowly increasing atrophy and weakness of the small hand muscles, beginning in her late teens. All other musculature was unaffected. A thorough work-up and literature search...
Karl-Friedrich Amthor, Tom Pedersen, Ketil Berg Olsen
A young woman developed slowly increasing atrophy and weakness of the small hand muscles, beginning in her late teens. All other musculature was unaffected. A thorough work-up and literature search...
Karl-Friedrich Amthor, Tom Pedersen, Ketil Berg Olsen
Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2015; 135: 554 – 6 I Tidsskriftet nr. 6/2015 s. 555 skal det i teksten til figur 2 stå: Markert atrofi av de små håndmusklene, dorsalsiden Vi beklager feilen, den er rettet på...