Old Drupal 7 Site

Neeraj Bhala

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Artikler av Neeraj Bhala

Anand Bhopal, Cecilie Wium, Anna Varberg Reisæter, Neeraj Bhala, Bernadette Kumar
Migrant and ethnic minority groups across Europe have a rising demand for organ transplantation, particularly renal transplants. Migrant and ethnic minority groups have a significant and growing need...
Anand Bhopal, Cecilie Wium, Anna Varberg Reisæter, Neeraj Bhala, Bernadette Kumar
Migranter og etniske minoriteter i hele Europa har økende behov for organtransplantasjon, særlig nyretransplantasjon. Migranter og etniske minoriteter har stort behov for transplantasjoner, og...