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Vigdis Bache Semb

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Artikler av Vigdis Bache Semb

Vigdis Bache Semb, Arnljot Tveit
Trousseau’s syndrome, which describes a significantly high incidence of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients, has been known since the mid-1800s ( 2  –  4 ). Sometimes venous thromboembolism may...
Vigdis Bache Semb, Arnljot Tveit
Trousseau’s syndrome, which describes a significantly high incidence of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients, has been known since the mid-1800s ( 2  –  4 ). Sometimes venous thromboembolism may...
Vigdis Bache Semb, Arnljot Tveit
Trousseaus syndrom, som beskriver overhyppighet av venøs trombose hos kreftpasienter, har vært kjent siden midten av 1800-tallet ( 2  –  4 ). Noen ganger kan venøs trombose være første tegn på at det...