Old Drupal 7 Site

Abdul Rashid Tahir

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Artikler av Abdul Rashid Tahir

Eskild Lundeby, Abdul Rashid Tahir, Ole Jørgen Grøtta, Lars Frich
A woman in her 60s was referred to a urologist because of recurrent urinary tract infections and haematuria. Assessment revealed an unusual cause of the patient’s complaint. A woman in her 60s with...
Eskild Lundeby, Abdul Rashid Tahir, Ole Jørgen Grøtta, Lars Frich
A woman in her 60s was referred to a urologist because of recurrent urinary tract infections and haematuria. Assessment revealed an unusual cause of the patient’s complaint. The diagnostic work-up of...
Eskild Lundeby, Abdul Rashid Tahir, Ole Jørgen Grøtta, Lars Frich
En kvinne i 60-årene ble henvist til urolog på grunn av residiverende urinveisinfeksjoner og hematuri. Under utredningen ble det funnet en uvanlig årsak til pasientens plager. En kvinne i 60-årene...