Old Drupal 7 Site

Eva Astrid Jacobsen

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Artikler av Eva Astrid Jacobsen

Mirza Jusufovic, Terje Nome, Mona Skjelland, Eva Astrid Jacobsen
Patient 1. A man in his 70s was admitted with acute right-sided paralysis. The neurological outcome was scored on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) to 21 points (severe cerebral...
Mirza Jusufovic, Eva Astrid Jacobsen, Christian Georg Lund
A previously healthy woman in her 40s suffered morning headache and vomiting the day before admission. She was a non-smoker and used no medicines or hormones. On the following day she developed acute...
Mirza Jusufovic, Terje Nome, Mona Skjelland, Eva Astrid Jacobsen
Patient 1. A man in his 70s was admitted with acute right-sided paralysis. The neurological outcome was scored on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) to 21 points (severe cerebral...
Mirza Jusufovic, Eva Astrid Jacobsen, Christian Georg Lund
En tidligere frisk kvinne i 40-årsalderen hadde fra dagen før innleggelsen morgenhodepine og oppkast. Hun var ikke-røyker og brukte ingen medisiner eller hormoner. Innleggelsesdagen utviklet hun...
Mirza Jusufovic, Terje Nome, Mona Skjelland, Eva Astrid Jacobsen
Pasient 1. En mann i 70-årene ble innlagt på grunn av akutt oppståtte høyresidige lammelser. Nevrologiske utfall ble skåret med National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) til 21 poeng (...